Today we will look into crucial information about ISO standards, which nowadays are key components of the transport, spedition, and logistics world.
📌 ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management System - An International standard focusing on the quality of management in the company. It's accepted and recognized all over the world.
➡️ The implementation of this system is voluntary, but increasingly often having a certificate is one of the factors that decides whether or not to cooperate with a company.
For customers, this means that the company that has this certificate:
✅ Meets the highest management quality standards,
✅ Effectively eliminated or limited crisis situations,
✅ Constantly improves the quality of services provided and manufactured products by setting quality goals and striving to achieve them,
✅ ISO 9001 certification is a guarantee that the company focuses on continuous improvement and meeting customer expectations.
📌 ISO 28000:2022 – Security Management Systems, including aspects relevant to the supply chain - This standard focuses on the security of the supply chain, the course of activities related to its control and affecting its security.
➡️ As with the ISO 9001 standard - the implementation of this system is voluntary, but it will also often be a decision-making factor when entering into cooperation.
For customers, this means that the company that has this certificate:
✅ Takes care of the security and integrity of its deliveries - this is crucial, especially in today's world, where the security of the supply chain is becoming more and more important,
✅ Reduced the risk of emergency situations, increased the effectiveness of actions in case of them, and is able to prevent them,
✅ It is a trustworthy business partner,
✅ ISO 28000 certification ensures that customer products are safe throughout the entire supply chain.
📌 It is worth paying attention to other standards, such as: ISO 14001 (Environmental Management Systems), ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems), and ISO 27001 (Information Security, Cybersecurity and Privacy Protection), which also play a key role in today's world when undertaking cooperation with companies.
Why is it important for companies in our industry?
Guarantee of quality and safety.
Increasing customer trust in the company.
Ability to participate in international tenders and projects.
More efficient internal processes.
Increased customer satisfaction.
ISO certification is not only compliance with standards, but above all, a commitment to continuous improvement and improvement of the quality of our services. 🚀
Does your company have ISO certificates? Share your experiences!

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